Sunday, May 05, 2019

Sunday Five - Tourists

I travel a fair amount, at times I am the rushed business traveler, at other times I am an explorer, looking for a great adventure, and at other times I am a tourist.  What is your travel style - this weeks Sunday five. 

1: Have you ever left home on a trip, and not known where you were going? 
2: Do you enjoy or avoid the crowds? 
3: Is the shop above your idea of heaven or hell?
4: What is most lost you have ever been? 
5: Does paying for parking in a resort area drive you nuts? 

My answers: 
1: Have you ever left home on a trip, and not known where you were going?  Yes, back in 1989, I took a week off, got in the car and headed north from Florida, someplace in Georgia I decided I was going to Washington DC.  I had no clear plan when I left home other than getting away for a week. 
2: Do you enjoy or avoid the crowds?  Generally avoid them. 
3: Is the shop above your idea of heaven or hell?  Hell. 
4: What is most lost you have ever been? In 1990 I flew into and rented a car to drive into London, I left the airport without a decent map or reliable directions.  I have driven through the heart of the city - lost and having the time of my life. 
5: Does paying for parking in a resort area drive you nuts?  Yes! 

Your answers in the comments, please? 


  1. 1: Have you ever left home on a trip, and not known where you were going? I have a good sense of direction 95% of the time...can honestly say I was never lost to greatly.

    2: Do you enjoy or avoid the crowds? Depends on mood. I only go out in town to New Hope during the week. Weekends are crazy!!!

    3: Is the shop above your idea of heaven or hell? HELL!!!!!!
    4: What is most lost you have ever been? Maybe one exit away from where I should have been.

    5:Does paying for parking in a resort area drive you nuts? Yes and no...but mostly yes because most resorts make tons of $$$$ in other ways anyhow.

  2. 1. No, I always have a destination.
    2. Sometimes I like crowds, sometimes I don't. Depends on my mood.
    3. I like looking in a tourist trap store one or two times and then I look for better quality stores.
    4. Thank gawd for GPS in Italy or we would never have found our way around.
    5. Yes, the price of parking is always a pain in the ass.

  3. 1: nope, planned out trip always

    2: I can take a crowd for a short period, then I must escape

    3: hell

    4: like maddie, one exit

    5: yes!

  4. 1. Nope. I may forget how to get there, but I always know where I'm going.

    2. Depends. I hate crowds while camping, but I want people around if I'm visiting Bumfuck, U.S.A. I don't travel there any more.

    3. Hell, in an electric wheelchair. Okay with a walker. So...purgatory.

    4. I get lost trying to find my way out of San Francisco. It's easy to get there, but leaving? Oy! You can see the bridges, but getting to them is excruciating! Lately, I get lost in my mind, and familiar surroundings look foreign to me. Only for a minute or two.

    5. YES!!!

  5. 1: Have you ever left home on a trip, and not known where you were going? No, although when I was working and severely depressed I had fantasies of just driving.
    2: Do you enjoy or avoid the crowds? Depends. Mostly avoid them.
    3: Is the shop above your idea of heaven or hell? Hmmm. That one might be a little bit of Hell.
    4: What is most lost you have ever been? Well, I HAVE had to ask for help sometimes. But I LOVE getting lost. You make the best discoveries.
    5: Does paying for parking in a resort area drive you nuts? No. If I'm guaranteed parking and don't have to drive in circles, I'm happy to pay.

  6. 1: no - and it would be nice to experience.
    2: avoid
    3: it depends on what I am drinking
    4: in a city? in life? I don't get lost - another thing I want to experience.
    5: no as I see it as one of those things that is.
