Wednesday, February 12, 2014

12 on 12

Okay, I have seen this done on a couple of other blogs, posting 12 pictures on the 12th of the month, showing sort of a day in the life.  My day was a travel day, starting at 19 degrees in the DC burbs and ending in thunderstorm in central Florida.

My morning view

A subway ride to the airport

Cold and on time

Every seat was filled

Having lived 5 miles north of it for a decade, Orlando International Always feels like home

The terminal shuttle was not packed 

Headed for baggage claim, my bag was among the first from my flight

77 degrees - in mid February - why did I move away from here?

Good News in Kentucky- interstate recognition 

Room signs

Checking blogs before the leaving for the airport, my desk is a mess!

Rain tonight

1 comment:

  1. I did not know about KY, so thank you!
    The empty airport looks unsettling.
    I see you read trashy blogs!
