Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I'll try not to twang

I was in Nashville the other day, for 25 hours. It was about 101 degrees in the shade, so I walked as far as I could inside the air conditioned convention center and came out the doors on the far end on my way back to the hotel. I pop out and what do I see across the street, the historic home of the Grand Old Opera. You never know what you will bump into when you are trying to stay cool.



  1. Anonymous7/25/2008

    Hey, I've been the Dakotas all week, but I have been dodging thunderstorms and nickel sized hail. Oh, how I love my visits to the midwest...

  2. Hey, we can get you a hat with a price tag and you will fit right in.

  3. I wish I would have been with you... I miss living in Nashville. I really do.


    Heck... I just miss the South.
